Thursday, October 05, 2006


If I could go to one place in the world, it would be the South Pole. Not too many people have been there, relatively speaking. It's nice and cold (for now), and there are penguins in Antarctica for me to see on the way. There's even history to be found there--not in buildings, but it's no less powerful for that. Anyway, it'd be a cool place to visit.

Next up is Rome. If not for the... limited... career opportunities, I could have been a classics major. As it is, I've had to read about Roman history on my own time, and I'd like to get there and see what's left of it for myself.

After that is Norway. I've only seen it from the air, on a flight back from Russia, but it looked pretty nice. What can I say, I'm pining for the fjords.

I'm hard-pressed to rank my choices after that. I'd probably even consider the tropics, despite my distaste for humidity and massive, many-legged insects.

Come to think of it, I can't think of many places I wouldn't want to see.


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